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Monday, December 27, 2010

worldcup cricket mascot

Posted by afif 10:32 AM, under | No comments

2011 world cup cricket mascot is a cute elephant which name is ” stumpy ”. Stumpy is a young , enthusiastic and interesting character.ICC chooses this name via a online competition.
Tournament director Ratnakar Shetty during a press release said,”The idea of our mascot is to crystallise the feelings and action of the sport and the fans in a graphic form that reflects the visceral tone and emotion that Cricket creates in its followers, especially in an event like the CWC.“
“It also emphasises the enthusiasm of youth both in general and for Cricket itself, especially on the sub-continent with its massive and dedicated following. He’s stylised to give an instantly recognisable graphic strength so that with exposure his bold lines and strong colouring will instantly create a friendly face for the CWC,” tournament director Ratnakar Shetty said in a media release.
The name of this mascot has an amusing part. If you see the meaning of stumpy in dictionary you find little , small , short , near to the ground . But elephant is not exactly these. However, we hope that stumpy will bring more and more happiness in world cup.


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